姓名 刘沂欣
联络电话 02-7749-6116
个人网址 https://www.facebook.com/LiuLabNTNU
网站 https://liud403a.wixsite.com/index
经验 化学博士 (美国圣路易华盛顿大学) 电子/共轭焦显微镜、X光吸收/绕射/散射技术、时间解析萤光、表面增强拉曼光谱、气相层析仪、气体吸脱附、电子自旋共振、超导量子干涉仪
实验室电话 02-7749-6184
职称 副教授
个人着作参考网址 Google Scholar 
个人研究计画参考网址 科技部:
109-110 控制奈米腔体于中孔洞二维半导体之生长及其应用
110-111 以光致自由基探索中孔半导体对水分解和碳循环之催化反应
108-111 毒品防制: 从技术创新至公众健康探讨--利用尖端质谱与Raman光谱技术侦测尿液中新兴精神活性物质
111-112 开发自动化辅助之光谱质谱双重检测法 研究社区药瘾人口学-开发自动化辅助之表面增强拉曼与质谱双重确认法用以侦测新兴精神活性物质
111-114 合成单层半导体研究激子自旋多重态与塞曼效应用于量子光学
师大新闻稿:  https://pr.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnunews/index.php?mode=data&id=20167
研究介绍: https://youtu.be/WdgRnLhS00M

107 以情境学习来研究大一生修习普通化学之学习历程并辅助学习成效 
108 以锚式情境课程培养探究实作之能力
110 双语跨领域师培生于普通化学课程中之实践
师大新闻稿:  https://pr.ntnu.edu.tw/ntnunews/index.php?mode=data&id=20186 
研究领域 光与物质的交互作用、磁场效应、氧气放光、滥用药物检测
学术专长 无机化学、固态半导体、小分子检测、同侪学习、认知学习
指导学生 博后: 纳加拉朱·纳拉亚南
博一: 普纳姆·卡延
硕二研究生: 董纪庆林奇宏、吴若慈 (#6184)
硕一研究生: 唐崇智廖克洋郭映彤 
行政助理: 郭秀兰 (#6161)
实验室 32
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量子材料应用: 二维稀磁半导体(DMS)



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自由基催化反应: 分解及还原加成 (HER/CO2RR)

Diluted Magnetic 2D Semiconductors

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J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142 (49), 20616–20623 (IF=15.419)

Solution-Based Quantum Wires

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ACS Omega 2020, 5 (29), 18441–18448 (IF=3.512)

Sptial Confinements for Nanopartilces

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Chem. Mater. 2018, 30 (22), 8303–8313  (IF=9.811)

Molecular Nanoclusters Self-Assembly 

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Chem. Mater. 2018, 30 (15), 5468–5477 (IF=9.811)

Anisotropic Thin-Film Growths 

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J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137 (11), 3779–3782  (IF=15.419)

年度 论文名称
2021 Selective growths of single‐walled carbon nanotubes from mesoporous supports via CO disproportionation, Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, vol. 68, Feb. 2021
2020 Giant Zeeman Splitting for Monolayer Nanosheets at Room Temperature, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 142, Nov. 2020
2020 Unique Growth Pathway in Solution–Solid–Solid Nanowires: Cubic to Hexagonal Phase Transformation, ACS Omega, vol. 5, Jul. 2020
2018 Ordered Mesoporous Zeolite Thin Films with Perpendicular Reticular Nanochannels of Wafer Size Area, Chemistry of Materials, vol. 30, Nov. 2018
2018 Unraveling the Structure of Magic-Size (CdSe)13 Cluster Pairs, Chemistry of Materials, vol. 30, Jul. 2018
2015 Formation of hollow silica nanospheres by reverse microemulsion, Nanoscale, vol. 7, May. 2015
2015 A General Method for Growing Large Area Mesoporous Silica Thin Films on Flat Substrates with Perpendicular Nanochannels, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 137, Mar. 2015
2014 Two-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanocrystals: Properties, Templated Formation, and Magic-Size Nanocluster Intermediates, Accounts of Chemical Research, vol. 48, Dec. 2014
2014 Desolvation and Dehydrogenation of Solvated Magnesium Salts of Dodecahydrododecaborate: Relationship between Structure and Thermal Decomposition, Chemistry - A European Journal, vol. 20, Apr. 2014
2014 Li Intercalation into 1D TiS2(en) Chains, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 136, Feb. 2014
2013 Mesoporous Silica Supported Cobalt Catalysts for Hydrogen Generation in Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 38, Jun. 2013
2013 Preparation of Primary Amine Derivatives of the Magic-Size Nanocluster (CdSe)13., Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 52, Mar. 2013
2013 Dimensional Reduced One-Dimensional Chains of TiSe2, Chemistry of Materials, vol. 25, Mar. 2013
2012 Bright core-shell semiconductor quantum wires, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134, Oct. 2012
2012 Isolation of the magic-size CdSe nanoclusters [(CdSe)13(n-octylamine)13] and [(CdSe)13(n-oleylamine)13], Angewandte Chemie, vol. 51, May. 2012
2012 Dimensional Reduction of a Layered Metal Chalcogenide into a 1D Near-IR Direct Band Gap Semiconductor., Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 134, Feb. 2012
2011 Lamellar Assembly of Cadmium Selenide Nanoclusters into Quantum Belts, Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 133, Sep. 2011
2010 Origin of High Photoluminescence Efficiencies in CdSe Quantum Belts, Nano Letters, vol. 10, Jan. 2010
  1. Surface Passivation of Colloidal II-IV Semiconductor Quantum Belts and Quantum Wires: Synthesis, Mechanism and Optical Studies

  2.  Modification and Coating of mesoporous silica: Silylation, Esterification and Metal Oxides Grafting

年度 论文名称
2017 Structural resolutions of magic-size (CdSe)13 twin clusters, The 254th ACS 254th National Meeting National Meeting, Aug. 20-24, 2017, Washington DC
2017 Growths of highly ordered mesoporous graphene-oxide thin films (MGTFs), The 254th ACS 254th National Meeting National Meeting, Aug. 20-24, 2017, Washington DC
2017 Magnetic diluted semiconductors in 2D nanosheet crystals, The 254th ACS 254th National Meeting National Meeting, Aug. 20-24, 2017, Washington DC
2014 Time-resolved pore expansion upon growth of mesoporous silica nanoparticles via in situ small-angle X-ray scattering, The 247th ACS National Meeting, Mar. 16-20, 2014, Dallas, TX (美国)
2014 Oriented growth of 1D CdSe and 0D Bi quantum structures from vertical sub-10nm hard templates, The 247th ACS National Meeting, Mar. 16-20, 2014, Dallas, TX (美国)
2014 Growth of Vertical and Large Silica Mesochannels on Substrates, Japan-Taiwan Joint Workshop on Nanospace Materials, Mar. 11-13, 2014, Fukuoka (日本)
2013 Growth of vertical mesoporous silica channels via cooperative assemblies at interfaces #268, The 246th ACS National Meeting with 1st International Symposium on Mesoporous Zeolites, Sep. 08-12, 2013, Indianapolis, IN (美国)
2010 Spectroscopic Analysis of Surface Passivated CdTe Quantum Wires, The 239th ACS National Meeting, Mar. 21-25, 2010, San Francisco, CA (美国)
2008 Synthesis of CdSe nanobelts of varying thickness by oriented attachment, The 236th ACS National Meeting, Aug. 17-21, 2008, Philadelphia, PA (美国)
2007 Growth of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Nanowires on Sapphire Substrates, The 234th ACS National Meeting, Aug. 19-23, 2007, Boston, MA (美国)
2015   The 2015 MRS National Meeting (San Francisco, CA)  [Oral] Magic-size II-VI nanoclusters as semiconductor precursors; [Poster] Structural Verification of Magic-Sized CdSe Nanoclusters. 
2015   The 249th ACS National Meeting (Denver, CO) [Poster] Direct assembly of zeolite beta into mesoporous nanoparticles. 
2014   The 247th ACS National Meeting (Dallas, TX)  [Oral] Oriented growth of 1D CdSe and 0D Bi quantum structures from vertical sub-10nm hard templates; [Poster] Time-resolved pore expansion upon growth of mesoporous silica nanoparticles via in situ small-angle X-ray scattering.
2013   The 246th ACS National Meeting with 1st International Symposium on Mesoporous Zeolites  (Indianapolis, IN) [Oral] Growth of vertical mesoporous silica channels via cooperative assemblies at interfaces. 

2010   The 239th ACS National Meeting (San Francisco, CA) [Oral] Spectroscopic Analysis of Surface Passivated CdTe Quantum Wires. 

2008   The 236th ACS National Meeting (Boston, MA) [Poster] Synthesis of CdSe Nanobelts of Varying thickness by Oriented Attachment. 

2007   The 234th ACS National Meeting (Philadelphia, PA) [Oral] Growth of Aluminum-Silicon Alloy Nanowires on Sapphire Substrates. 

2002   The 3rd International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (Jeju, Korea)  [Poster] Surface Modification of the Uncalcined Acid-Made Mesoporous Silica Materials in a One-Step Procedure.

2001   The 13th International Zeolite Conference (Montpellier, France)  [Poster] Chemical Coating of the Aluminum Oxides Onto Mesoporous Silicas by One-Pot Grafting Method. 

年度 计画名称 职称/担任之工作 计画期间 补助/委讬或合作机构
2020 控制奈米腔体于中孔洞二维半导体之生长及其应用 主持人 2019.08 ~ 2020.07 科技部(原国科会)
2019 二维半导体材料在单点量子发光体上之应用 主持人 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 科技部(原国科会)
2018 二维金属有机骨架于芯片上成长及热电传导度之量测 主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.10 科技部(原国科会)
2018 二维金属有机骨架于芯片上成长及热电传导度之量测(2/2) 主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 科技部(原国科会)
2017 二维金属有机骨架于芯片上成长及热电传导度之量测 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部(原国科会)
2017 二维金属有机骨架于芯片上成长及热电传导度之量测 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部(原国科会)
2017 二维金属有机骨架于芯片上成长及热电传导度之量测(1/2) 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部(原国科会)
2017 二维金属有机骨架于芯片上成长及热电传导度之量测 主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部(原国科会)
2016 量子线超晶格生长及热电传导度量测 主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 科技部(原国科会)
2016 量子线超晶格生长及热电传导度量测 主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.07 科技部(原国科会)
2015 量子线超晶格生长及热电传导度量测 主持人 2014.10 ~ 2015.07 科技部(原国科会)
国家 学校名称 系所 学位 期间
美国 圣路易华盛顿大学 化学所 博士 2004.08 ~ 2010.08
台湾 国立台湾大学 化学所 硕士 2000.09 ~ 2002.06
台湾 国立台湾师范大学 化学系 学士 1996.09 ~ 2000.06
服务机关名称 单位 职务 期间
国立台湾大学 化学系 博士后研究员 2012.09 ~ 2014.07
美国俄亥俄州立大学 化学系 博士后研究员 2010.10 ~ 2012.08
国立台湾大学 凝态中心 助理 2004.05 ~ 2004.07
陆军核生化防护研究中心 预官 2003.05 ~ 2014.04
类别 年度 奖项名称 颁奖单位
校外荣誉 2004 公费留学奖学金 教育部
校内荣誉 2002 理学院院长奖、颜氏论文奖 理学院、化学系
校外荣誉 2001 杰出人才出国补助奖学金 杰出人才基金会
校内荣誉 2000 理学院院长奖 理学院
校内荣誉 1999 严氏奖学金 财团法人严庆龄工业发展基金会
校内荣誉 1998 中国石油奖学金 台湾中油