
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
1995 Water-Soluble Sulfonated Phenolic Resins. II. Surface Property and Effectiveness as a Dispersing Agent, J. Appl. Polymer Sci., vol. 57, Sep. 1995
1995 Water-Soluble Sulfonated Phenolic Resins. I. Synthesis, J. Appl. Polymer Sci, vol. 57, Sep. 1995
1995 Transformations of Selenium-Iron Carbonylates in Hieber's Synthesis: Isolation of a Novel Intermediate Complex [PhCH2NMe3]2[Se6Fe6(CO)12], Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 34, Sep. 1995
1995 The spiral flow analysis on the injection molding of alumina powder -- an experimental design, Ceram. Int., vol. 21, Jun. 1995
1995 Effects of Main-Group and Transition Elements on Bond Formation and Cleavage in Transition-Metal Chalcogenide Clusters: Reactions of E2Fe3(CO)9 (E = Te, Se) with [Co(CO)4]-, [Mn(CO)5]-, and [Fe(CO)4]2-, Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 34, May. 1995
1995 Facile Syntheses and Transformations of a Series of Tellurium-Iron Carbonyl Clusters: Crystal Structures of [PhCH2NMe3]2[Te6Fe8(CO)24], Fe2(CO)6(μ-TeCHCl2)2, and Fe2(CO)6(μ-TeCHPhTe), Inorganic Chemistry, vol. 34, Apr. 1995
1995 NP-100强塑剂对水泥砂浆补强 效应的探讨, 陶业季刊, vol. 13, Jan. 1995
1995 炉石填充聚丙烯塑胶之机械性质及热学性质的研究, 师大学报, vol. 40, Jan. 1995
1994 A New Route to [Fe4N(CO)12]- and Its Conversion to Fe4N(CO)11(NO), Chemistry (The Chinese Chemical Society), vol. 52, Jun. 1994
1994 Effect of wax composition on injection moulding of 304L stainless steel powder, Powder Metall., vol. 37, Apr. 1994