Jhy-Ming Horng
Name Jhy-Ming Horng
Title Associate Professor
Research Science Education, Chemical Education
  1. Jhy-Ming Horng (2001). Developing STS module for junior high students to promote creativity, thinking, and problem solving abilities. Paper presented at 2001 Sino-Japanese Symposium .on Science Education. Dec. 11-12, 2001. Taipei.
  2. Jhy-Ming Horng. 1996. STS teacher preparation: A constructivist learning Model. Paper presented at U.S.-Taiwan Symposium: Innovations in undergraduate education in chemistry. Dec. 15-18,1996. Univ. of California. San Diego.
  3. Cheng-Hsia Wang & Jhy-Ming Horng. 1992. Correlation of achievement in extraction technique with science process skills and subject-matter knowledge. Proceedings of the NSC. Part D: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. 2(2). 67-74.
  4. Cheng-Hsia Wang & Jhy-Ming Horng. 1991. Reliability and validity of instrument to assess chemistry manipulative techniques. Capillary melting point determination. Proceedings of the NSC. Part D: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. L (1). 24-31.
  5. Cheng-Hsia Wang & Jhy-Ming Horng. l991. A design for implementing mastery learning on sublimation. A chemistry experimental technique. Proceedings of the NSC. Part D: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. 1(2). 31-42.
  1. 洪志明、蔡曉信(2002). 以「化學尋寶」實驗活動培養學生解決問題的能力,科學教育月刊,第244期,22-27頁。
  2. 洪志明、蔡曉信(2002). 高中數理實驗班學生「水溶液中的化學平衡」解題之質性研究,師大學報,科學教育類,47(1),15-38頁。
  3. Jhy-Ming Horng (2001). Developing STS module for junior high students to promote creativity, thinking, and problem solving abilities. Paper presented at 2001 Sino-Japanese Symposium .on Science Education. Dec. 11-12, 2001. Taipei.
  4. 洪志明.(2001),我國國二學生課餘學習時間與學習成就之關係。科學教育月刊,第236期,3-13頁。
  5. 洪志明、陳穎慧.2000. 運用STS電鍍模組探討STS教學在九年一貫課程的應用。中華民國第十六屆科學教育學術研討會論文.民國89年12月8~9日,國立臺灣師範大學。
  6. 洪志明.1997. 聯結於生活的化學實驗安全STS模組之開發.師大學報第43(1)期,19-25頁。
  7. 洪志明. 1996. 職前國中化學教師實驗技能評量. 師大學報,第四十一期. 506-524頁。
  8. 洪志明. 1996. 透過STS模組開發培育職前化學教師實驗安全能力. 化學. 第五十四卷第二期. 153-158頁。
  9. Jhy-Ming Horng. 1996. STS teacher preparation: A constructivist learning Model. Paper presented at U.S.-Taiwan Symposium: Innovations in undergraduate education in chemistry. Dec. 15-18,1996. Univ. of California. San Diego.
  10. 洪志明、王澄霞(1993)。化學實驗技能精通學習之教導與評量模式---蒸餾技能。科學教育學刊,第一卷第一期,29-50頁。
  11. Cheng-Hsia Wang & Jhy-Ming Horng. 1992. Correlation of achievement in extraction technique with science process skills and subject-matter knowledge. Proceedings of the NSC. Part D: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. 2(2). 67-74.
  12. Cheng-Hsia Wang & Jhy-Ming Horng. 1991. Reliability and validity of instrument to assess chemistry manipulative techniques. Capillary melting point determination. Proceedings of the NSC. Part D: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. L (1). 24-31.
  13. Cheng-Hsia Wang & Jhy-Ming Horng. l991. A design for implementing mastery learning on sublimation. A chemistry experimental technique. Proceedings of the NSC. Part D: Mathematics, Science, and Technology Education. 1(2). 31-42.
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
Taiwan National Taiwan Normal University The Graduate Institute of Science Education Ph.D. ~ 1993.06
Taiwan National Taiwan Normal University Department of Chemistry M.S. ~ 1977.06
Taiwan National Taiwan Normal University Department of Chemistry B.S. 1965.09 ~ 1969.06
Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center Associate Professor 1995.01 ~ Up to today
National Taiwan Normal University National Taiwan Normal University Lecturer 1977.08 ~ Up to today
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Chemistry Teaching Assistant 1968.08 ~ 1977.07
National Taiwan Normal University Department of Chemistry Associate Professor 0000.01 ~ Up to today