
搜尋類別: 關鍵字搜尋: Clear
年度 論文名稱
2010 Bimetallic Ru─Cu Tellurido Complexes: Controlled Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies of Copper Halide-TeRu5 and Te2Ru4 Clusters, International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry (24th ICOMC), Jul. 18-23, 2010, Taipei
2010 Effects of a hydrogel on the self-curing properties of mortars, The 18th Annual International Conference on COMPOSITES/NANO ENGINEERING, Jul. 04-10, 2010, Anchorage
2010 Pyrrolidine-Type Organocatalysts Bearing Sulfone Moieties in Asymmetric Michael Addition Reactions, 第十一屆Tetrahedron Symposuim, Jun. 22-25, 2010, 北京
2010 Disulfide bond analysis using automatic a1 ion screening and its application to structural characterization of protein pharmaceuticals, The 1st Asian and Oceanic Mass Spectrometry Conference, Jun. 16-18, 2010, Tsukuba, Japan
2010 微型氣相層析儀之研製, 分析技術交流研討會, May. 16-17, 2010, 台北
2010 結合微機電技術之微小有機氣體即時分析系統開發, 環境化學分析研討會, Apr. 30-May. 01, 2010, 台中
2010 Spectroscopic Analysis of Surface Passivated CdTe Quantum Wires, The 239th ACS National Meeting, Mar. 21-25, 2010, San Francisco, CA (美國)
2010 半穿透網狀水膠的合成及其膨脹行為的探討, 2010中華民國高分子學術研討會, Jan. 22-23, 2010, 高雄
2010 新型兩性水膠的合成及其吸水行為之研究, 2010中華民國高分子學術研討會, Jan. 22-23, 2010, 高雄
2009 Selenium-Manganese Carbonyl Clusters: Synthesis and Electrochemical Studies, Chinese Chemical Society National Meeting, Dec. 04-06, 2009, I-Shou University