
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Title Name Practice
Teaching Assistant Ting-Shen Kuo X-ray operator
Teaching Assistant Yu Jean Pong General Chemistry laboratory, poster contest.
Teaching Assistant Mei-Lin Chen physical chemistry course, laboratory and thermodynamics, chemical mathematics,special topics in physical chemistry.
Teaching Assistant Sophia Chang general chemistry laboratory,general chemistry lecture, website maintenance, International student affairs, seminar,scholarship, poster machine, retired teacher greeting, assignment issue.
Teaching Assistant Tai-Li Shing organic chemistry laboratory
Teaching Assistant Yi-Hsun Lai general chemistry lecture, Administration executive
Teaching Assistant Yen-Huei Lin curriculum,teachers course,educational practice,international student affairs,Student Affair,Alumni.
Teaching Assistant Ya Chun Cheng organic spectroscopy,MOST General Affairs
Teaching Assistant Chiu Hui He polymer chemistry, NMR operator
Teaching Assistant Pi Hsiu Yen general chemistry lecture, laboratory, Instrumental Analysis,Analytical Instruments Management, alumni
Teaching Assistant I-Ting Kuo analytical Chemistry laboratory, lecture, advanced analytical chemistry, instrument chemistry.
Administrative Specialist Hui-Wen Cheng Inorganic Chemistry, General Chemistry laboratory and lecture
Administrative Specialist Yi-Ju Chen analytical Chemistry laboratory and lecture
Technical officer even Chang Health safety & environment matters